Make a Successful Transition Back to Your Home Life

Your time at We Care Spa is an incredible investment in, and commitment to, your long-term health. It’s time away from your hectic life to refocus and rebalance. It’s a step towards a major life change. When you return home it is important to maintain what you have started.
When you are on the program, your body does not digest solid food for several days and will need time to transition back to this process.
For this reason we recommend you follow these basic guidelines:
- Take one WE CARE 365 DAILY PROBIOTIC per day.
- Take two – three WE CARE 365 FOOD-N-ZYMES with every meal.
- Drink one WE CARE 365 DETOX DRINK PLUS daily.
- Take WE CARE 365 REGULATOR PLUS as needed to facilitate bowel release.
During this time it’s also important to remember you eat a total of three small meals per day. HOWEVER, one of those meals will be liquid in the form of the WE CARE 365 3 MINUTE POWER SHAKE. The other two meals will be solid.
Please continue to refrain from eating: meat, potatoes, dairy products, coffee, sugar, soda, and bread.
Drink lots of water during the day between meals. Consume any of the nutritional drinks on our menu for daily nutritional support.
Our recommended on-going meal plan includes one liquid meal and two solid meals daily. The liquid meal may include veggie juices, green drinks, smoothies, protein drinks, pureed soups, herbal teas and nut milks.
Returning Home
To help you along the way, we will provide you with a detailed handout outlining the first seven days and post-fast, before leaving our campus.