A Day of Detox
When you arrive at WeCare Spa, we invite you to leave your stress, your worries, and all the rest of your daily life concerns at the gate. You are entering a special place. A place of healing, detoxification, rejuvenation, and revitalization. A place for you to focus on you.
The WeCare program will work best if you’ve followed the dietary guidelines for at least 4 days before your arrival. This prepares your system to make the most of your opportunity here. Like many things, preparation maximizes your success.
We suggest you come early, allowing yourself time to take advantage of the full day. It always takes a little while to decompress from schedules and to-do lists and the more time you give yourself to sink in, the better you’ll feel. Your room will be ready by 2pm, so take a walk around, breathe in the desert air, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
Or better yet, help yourself to one of our specialty drinks. We recommend a drink every hour the entire length of your stay, and it can help to get started early!
We have orientation classes at 11am and 3pm where we will go over the drink menu during your stay and take you on a tour of all we have to offer.
Once you’re settled in, find your easy rhythm of hourly drinks. In between, enrich yourself with our full menu of classes covering everything from how nutrition affects your body and the best food choices to cooking demos, yoga classes and more.
Schedule yourself some of our premier spa treatments—they’re an important part of the program and accelerate your results. Slip into a deep state of healing relaxation with an oxygen bath and body scrub followed by a hot castor oil rub or a magnesium wrap. But they fill up fast, so be sure to sign up early.
Fresh out of a relaxing spa treatment and nourished with a vitalizing beverage, you might go find a peaceful corner to bask in the sun after a dip in the pool. Or maybe you’re more of an explorer and find yourself in one of our many beautiful healing installations like the medicine wheel or labyrinth. Each piece is there for your holistic well-being — an open invitation for personal exploration.
We also have specialized equipment you won’t find any gym. Vibration and swing machines, for example, that stimulate circulation of the blood and lymph, carrying toxic waste from your organs and tissues to be flushed out through the colon. Try one out for 10 or 20 minutes and see how you feel.
Finally, after a day of relaxing, detoxing, learning, reflecting, and—above all—enjoying—take some time to get to know the other wonderful guests over a bowl of soup. We attract an amazing group of souls week after week and you may have a lot to learn from each other. If you’re not feeling social, then tend to your own needs, get some deep rest and feel content that you are doing what is best for you.
Then wake up the next morning, a little bit brighter, a little lighter, and start it all over again!